Localization of Shopify's Buy Buttons

Shopify's logo with the standard language icon on it.


Shopify moved things around and the solution outlined in this tutorial is no longer working. If you happen to find a new solution, please let me know!

I had to setup Shopify Buy Buttons on a multilingual website and quickly started wondering if Snipcart would’ve been a better option after all…

But the solution came to me at last. It was deeply buried in a Shopify forum. Here’s a more detailed explanation with code snippets. Hopefully I’ll save you, dear stranger, some precious time with this post I wish I had had.

How to make Shopify Buy Buttons redirect to checkout in a specific language?

When Shopify redirects your clients to the checkout page, the URL looks like this: https://slacklinemtl.myshopify.com/56842879150/checkouts/7295a6fdaa87b3ecfa8bd6e58a96c2b4 (This URL won’t work, but you get the idea.)

If you simply append &locale=en to those URLs, the checkout will be English. &locale=fr and the checkout will be in French. Go ahead and try it out!

Now, how can you append that &locale= parameter to the URL automatically? Easy peasy, once you know what to modify.

The code for your Shopify Buy Button most probably starts with something like this:

<div id='product-component-1627130549176'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
  var scriptURL = 'https://sdks.shopifycdn.com/buy-button/latest/buy-button-storefront.min.js';
<!-- etc... -->

The part you need to modify is in the options object. The options object looks like this:

options: {
  "product": {
      // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
    "productSet": {
    // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
  "modalProduct": {
    // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
  "option": {},
  "cart": {
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    "styles": {
      // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
    "text": {
      // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
    "popup": false
  "toggle": {
    // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...

Under that "cart" key, you need to add a mere 8 lines of code. And you only need to modify two letters in those 8 lines.

"events": {
  afterInit: (cart) => {
    cart.onCheckout = () => {
      const checkoutUrl = cart.model.webUrl + '&locale=en';

Notice the &locale=en part? Change it to &locale=fr and you’ll redirect to the checkout page in French. It’s that easy.

To make all this more obvious, here’s how your options object will look like after you add the code that specifies a language for the checkout page:

// Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) {
  ui.createComponent('product', {
    id: '6750224449710',
    node: document.getElementById('product-component-1627130549176'),
    moneyFormat: '%24%7B%7Bamount%7D%7D',
    options: {
      "product": {
        // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
      "productSet": {
        // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
      "modalProduct": {
        // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
      "option": {},
      "cart": {
        // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        "events": {
          afterInit: (cart) => {
            cart.onCheckout = () => {
              const checkoutUrl = cart.model.webUrl + '&locale=fr';
        // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        "styles": {
          // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
        "text": {
          // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
        "popup": false
      "toggle": {
        // Skipping lots of code for brevity ...
// Skipping lots of code for brevity ...

Make the 2 letter language code a variable that changes according to the current language of your website and you’re golden.

Bonus: Removing unnecessary code (when you have multiple products)

You’ll notice that every time you create a Buy Button, a lot of the code is exactly the same as other Buy Buttons. And you probably want all buttons to look the same anyway.

Here are ideas you can adapt to your current tech stack.

Instead of copy/pasting the whole options object for every Buy Button, create it once and store it in a variable.

const shopifyOptions = {
    "product": {
    // etc..

Then define another variable which will contain the IDs of all the products you’re selling. I added "name" properties for clarity, but you could do it with just an array of IDs.

const products = [
    "name": "pro30",
    "id": 6750224449710
    "name": "prim25",
    "id": 6698345988270
    "name": "trick15",
    "id": 6921340027054
  // etc...

How to find a Shopify product’s ID?

To find a product’s ID, click on that specific product in your Shopify admin panel and you’ll find the ID in the URL.

For instance, in https://slacklinemtl.myshopify.com/admin/products/6750224449710, the ID is 6750224449710

Modify Shopify’s initialization code so that it loops over your products array. Again, the idea is to not copy/paste the whole thing for every product.

ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) {
  products.forEach(product => { // This is the loop we are adding
    let node = document.getElementById('product-component-'+ product.name)
    if (node) {
      ui.createComponent('product', {
        id: product.id,
        node: node,
        moneyFormat: '%24%7B%7Bamount%7D%7D',
        options: shopifyOptions, // the options object defined earlier

Finally, create the <div> with the correct ID wherever you want your button to appear.

<div id='product-component-pro30'></div>

With that setup, inserting a new Buy Button is done by just getting the product ID, adding it to your product array and creating the <div> for that button.

No need to go through Shopify’s “Create a Buy Button” flow.


I hope this was helpful! The localization part is pretty straightforward.

For an example of this whole thing in the wild, you can take a look at Slackline MTL’s source code (this link points to a specific commit as the codebase might change).

If you need help with your implementation of Buy Buttons… I charge money 😅

And if you happen to be looking for a great slackline, I highly recommend Slackline MTL!

Looking for a Slackline!?

Go to SlacklineMTL.com and use the code felix10 for a 10% discount!

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